Tuesday, April 19, 2016

New Balsa!!


     On tap today, Seneca will sort his new balsa in preparation for a new structure build.  He has grand plans for a new design, but can fall back on "old faithful" which consistently holds more than 500 pounds.  Throughout the year he has leaned a lot about wood, compression, tension, lap joints, and glue.  He is only in 5th grade, so it's been a crash course.  Attending a hybrid online public school has lent itself well to spending this extra time learning about balsa structures.  Though Seneca has done a little building on the weekends most of his work has been during a regular school day.  In fact, to date, the team has never had a meeting on the weekends.

      The experience so far hasn't been all roses.  The balsa wood is expensive, and Seneca gets really bored with the tedious steps of cutting, gluing, and waiting until the next glue up.  It's a constant reminding process to get him back at the table for another step.  There may have even been some tears, too. Especially when he glued an almost-complete design to a piece of wood he uses to square the structure.  It could not be removed without destroying hours of work.  It's a lot to ask of an adult, much less an 11 year old boy who cannot stand still for more than a minute.

     It was so worth it you could have seen his joy, as well as the whole team, when they realize how much weight this fragile 15 gram structure can hold.

Stack Attack - On to Worlds

     Welcome to our GOC Odyssey of the Mind Team Blog.  My name is Jean, and I have been coaching an amazing bunch of kids since last fall in their journey to compete in Division I, Problem 4 of Odyssey of the Mind (2015-16). The team is composed of children from Gwinnett Online Campus with a younger participant from Starling ES, also in Gwinnett County. I would like to share our journey to World Competition at Iowa State University.  Never in our wildest dreams did we think the team would do so well their first year competing in the structures division, but here we are scrambling to raise funds to make the trip in late May.  On top of that the team is more energized than ever and are taking their long-term solution and spontaneous practice to the next level.

     Keep checking on this blog for updates on team progress as well as our school fundraisers.  Another team from GOC made it to Worlds in the high school division, and we are working together on some spirit nights and school fundraisers.  Our ES team has a GoFundMe account set up if you would like to contribute directly to our team.

Regional Competition
Parkview High School, Lilburn, GA
March 12, 2016

State Competition
Columbus State University, Columbus, GA
April 9, 2016